Why is it good to support fair-trade products?

24. 10. 2016

Have you been asking yourself – Why is it good to support fair-trade products? Is there any difference? Well, there is a big one.

Because you will not only support the manufacturer but also the manufacturing process. You will not support the anonymous corporate but a specific person that collected, dried or crushed the herds etc. You will improve the living conditions in countries, where paid job opportunities are valuable and rare. Fair-trade products are here to express the fact that the seller honours and respects human and environmental rights with an environmentally positive attitude, behaviour and economically adequate provision.

Animal testing

A conventional uninformed person feels safer when a product and brand are tested before their usage. However, he or she doesn’t realize that the DNA and overall structure of an animal’s organism is in many aspects different from that of a human. It is the same with reactions to certain chemicals, poisons, etc. Thus, testing on animals is absolutely ineffective and meaningless. Plus – why test brands on animals while there is an option not to?