The risks of chemicals contained in conventional hair dyes

2. 2. 2017

No hair colours, apart from the natural ones, are entirely non harmful.

They all contain really powerful chemicals that can cause an allergic reaction, in worst cases even a lethal one. In 2002, a 39-year-old woman from Birmingham, Britain, died from an anaphylactic shock, which is an extreme allergic reaction.

The British woman, who used a permanent black hair colour, had an already irritable scalp from the hair dye, but thought it was from the ammonia included in the product. The following time, she chose using a hair colour without ammonia. In reality, the redness and tingling were not a result of ammonia, but the chemical dye that got through the scalp and eventually into her bloodstream.

Even though it was a unique case, there is no harm in being interested in the hair dye composition that you would like to use. Probably the most controversial ingredient contained in modern hair colours is Phenylenediamine (PPD), which is in almost every hair dye.

Chemicals are not healthy for our body and nowadays, in 2017, there are many studies that they cause illnesses such as leukemia, damaged mucosa, eczema, asthma and others.

That is why VOONO and its natural composition came into existence. Let’s not compromise about chemistry and take care of our health.

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